Collage pictures of many performers doing circus tricks
PointsOn PointsOff
Display curve and surface control points. Shortcut F10. (PointsOff F11)
The InsertControlPoint command adds control points in a curve or a row of control points on a surface.
InsertKnot [RemoveKnot]
The InsertKnot command adds knots in curves or surfaces. This kinda adds an anchor point to the curve and brings the control points in.
The ChangeDegree command changes the degree of the polynomial that defines the curve or surface by adding or subtracting control points between knot spans, while maintaining the knot structure.
When curves have kinks, surfaces made with those curves as input can have creases. The CreaseSplitting command controls whether commands that make surfaces from kinked curves divide resulting surfaces into polysurfaces with edges at the creases or into single surfaces with creases. CreaseSplitting=Yes (left); CreaseSplitting=No (right). Loft results with control points on. The object at the left is a polysurface; turning on control points is not allowed.
The FitSrf command tries to reduce the number of surface control points while maintaining the surface's same general shape.
The MakeNonPeriodic command inserts a kink at the start/end of a curve or surface.
The MakePeriodic command removes kinks from a curve or surface.
The Rebuild command reconstructs selected curves or surfaces to a specified degree and control point number.
The RebuildUV command reconstructs selected surfaces to a specified control point number in either the u- or v-directions independently.
The RebuildEdges command restores original 3-D surface edges that have been forced away from the surface through editing. This command is useful for restoring original 3-D edges of surfaces after exploding a polysurface into separate surfaces.
The ShrinkTrimmedSrf command contracts the underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries. Steps. (ie normally when you cut a surface the original control points are still there, this will bring them right then right up next to the newly cut surface)
The ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge command contracts the underlying untrimmed surface right to the to the trimming boundaries. Shrinking the trimmed surface can sometimes cause problems later since having the edges so close to the trimming boundaries can cause commands that use the surface edges as input to fail.
Average the positions of curve and surface control points and mesh vertices in a specified region and evens out the spacing of selected control points in small increments to remove unwanted detail, and loops in curves and surfaces. DISC5: 0814 Smooth
Change the location where the start and end edges meet on a closed surface.
Edit the weight of a curve or surface control point. The weight of a control point determines how much the curve or surface is attracted to the control point. The higher the value of the weight, the closer the curve or surface is to the control point.
Project surface edges onto the construction plane to create planar curves.
Move the surrounding surface area smoothly relative to the distance.
Flatten a surface without restriction to single-directional curvature. (Makes an approximate 2-D development of surfaces that have compound curvature.)
Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
Adjust the shape of a curve at its end or a surface near an untrimmed edge.
The JoinEdge command joins two naked edges that are out of tolerance.
Adjust a surface edge to have continuity with another surface edge.
Merge all possible edges of a surface or polysurface.
The MergeEdge command combines adjacent edges of the same simple surface into one edge.
Combine two surfaces at untrimmed edges. Both surfaces must be untrimmed and share an edge.
Divide a surface edge.
Divide a planar polysurface face.
Divide a surface into separate parts at kinks.
Break objects down into components.
Cut and delete selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object.
Trim a polysurface with a curve similar to cutting foam with a heated wire.
The RemoveEdge command retrims the selected trimmed surface edge with a line, extensions of the adjacent edges, or a curve.
The Untrim command removes trim curves and surfaces joined at trim curves from a surface.