Collage pictures of many performers doing circus tricks

Annual Dinner

thumbnail picture of Dancers performers
thumbnail picture of Dancers performers
thumbnail picture of Dancers performers
thumbnail picture of Dancers performers
thumbnail picture of Dancers performers
thumbnail picture of Dancers performers

Dancers are very popular for Annual dinner type events they bring instant glamour and grandeur with their perfectly synchronized movements and beautiful custom made attire. Performers HK only works with full time dancers. Each routine (around 3 - 5 mins) is rehearsed at least 3 hours for every performance.

thumbnail picture of Musicians performers
thumbnail picture of Musicians performers
thumbnail picture of Musicians performers
thumbnail picture of Musicians performers
thumbnail picture of Musicians performers
thumbnail picture of Musicians performers

Musicians can either provide background music during an event or take over the main stage and get the crowd moving. For the most basic set up at an annual dinner a 3 piece band would provide the background sounds. If a main stage performance is required it is recommended a vocalist with at least 4 piece is hired. Performers HK only works with full time musicians.

thumbnail picture of Speciality performers
thumbnail picture of Speciality performers
thumbnail picture of Speciality performers
thumbnail picture of Speciality performers
thumbnail picture of Speciality performers
thumbnail picture of Speciality performers

Away from the above obvious performances speciality acts provide the wow factor and fulfill the "guests havent seen before" factor.

thumbnail picture of Magicians performers
thumbnail picture of Magicians performers
thumbnail picture of Magicians performers
thumbnail picture of Magicians performers
thumbnail picture of Magicians performers
thumbnail picture of Magicians performers

For roving magic 1 hour is the minimum hire and its best to have at least 30 guests. A roving magician usually can get through around 100 guests in 1 hour. Client should specify which is the preferred language of the roving performance since we recommend mainly according to this criteria

thumbnail picture of Momento performers
thumbnail picture of Momento performers
thumbnail picture of Momento performers
thumbnail picture of Momento performers
thumbnail picture of Momento performers
thumbnail picture of Momento performers

Performers HK has a huge selection of items for your guests to takeaways as memories of your big event.